Cozy up to this seasonally spectacular blend of organic black tea, traditional & delicious Chai spices, and real pumpkin. A robust, tantalizing drinking experience reminiscent of fall (but delicious all year round!).
The Brothers Apothecary Pumpkin Spice Chai starts with our favorite black tea, Assam. Assam is one of the most popular and palatable teas. It is most often used in “breakfast” teas. Most often used in an Irish Breakfast Tea because the flavor is maltier and stronger. Assam tea is grown on the lowlands of Assam, unlike Darjeeling tea which is grown in the highlands. It is a common tea used in blends to give them a stronger flavor profile and more depth. It can have flavor range from brisk to smokey, sometimes even having spicy and sweet notes. It’s also considered to be a wonderful base for teas that need to hold a stronger aroma just like our CBD Pumpkin Spice Chai. Full of antioxidants, Assam is known for its rich and malty flavor. Ginger, Nutmeg, Allspice, Ginger and Clove make up the spices in the tea. Elderflowers are high in vitamins and antioxidants. Assam tea is generally harvested, in a first flush and a second flush. It is first picked during early spring and the second is harvested later and the more prized tea where it is sweeter and more full bodied. The state of Assam is the largest tea growing region.
Assam Black Tea has a high caffeine, we recommend starting off your morning with our Pumpkin Spice Chai or enjoying it for a little boost of energy throughout the day in the afternoon. Remember, each bag can be used up to 2-3 times (and be sure to press and massage the bag with a spoon for maximum benefit!)